Supro Ice Cream Machine Cleaner 5L Concentrate

Supro Ice Cream Machine Cleaner 5L Concentrate

Unperfumed bacterial, vircucidal cleaner for use in ice cream machines and foodservice.

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Supro Ice Cream Machine Cleaner cleans and sanitises ice cream machines and can also be used to sterilise any surfaces or frequently touched areas in the business. Independently proven to kill Coronavirus, HIV, Hepatitus C and Influenza viruses. Also certified to kill common food poisoning bacteria including Escherichia coli.


After releasing the machine of any leftover icecream and an intial rinse thorugh with hot water, take 250ml of the concentrate cleaner and dilute with 8L water in a bucket. Use this solution to clean and santise the hopper. A further 250ml should then be diluted with 8L water and used to clean the inside parts of the machine. For full disinfection allow 1-minute contact time. For disinfection see above table.

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